
From the de-construction of the existing building to the day to day operation of the new development, sustainability is ingrained throughout our proposals for Boundary House.

Boundary House will:

  • Have sustainability at its heart and target at least a BREEAM Excellent rating.
  • Retain a significant amount of the existing structure’s embodied carbon.
  • Create an oppourtunity for a new area of public realm at the entrance with public seating and greening.
  • Deliver significant urban greening including 203m2 of dry meadow roof garden, 162m2 of sedum planting and 39 trees to reduce noise and air pollution.
  • Ensure consolidated on site servicing and enable a shared servicing arrangement with the neighbouring Friary Court building to minimise duplication of vehicle trips.
  • Make the most of its excellent public transport connection and become a zero car development.

Embodied Carbon
The substructure and ground floor of the existing building will be retained.
It is estimated that 20% of the existing structure’s embodied carbon can be retained through this development approach.

The new proposals will also be assessed with the aim of minimising embodied carbon and will be built with future life cycle in mind, including considering future deconstruction in their design.

Urban Greening
Following consultation with key stakeholders, significant additional planting and greening at levels 5 and 15 were added to the plans.

The level 15 rooftop will include 203m2 of dry meadow roof garden and 39 trees, with the lower roof at level 5 consisting of 162m2 of sedum planting. Combined these will provide much needed greening and on upper levels will minimise the visibility of the rooftop plant and provide visual relief to neighbouring buildings. All trees will be between 1.5 – 3m tall and will be native species, selected for their biodiversity and resiliency.